Diplomats and foreign nationals evacuated from Sudan due to fights

As violence continues to rage in Khartoum, a growing number of countries have evacuated diplomats and citizens from the capital. The United States and the United Kingdom announced on Sunday that diplomats had been evacuated. 

In addition to France, Germany, Italy, and Spain, other nations also conducted evacuations. The entire nation has descended into violence as a result of a vicious power struggle between the regular army and a strong paramilitary force.

Sunday morning, US authorities reportedly airlifted fewer than 100 individuals using three Chinook helicopters in a quick and orderly operation. The US embassy in Khartoum is currently closed, and a tweet from the embassy's official account states that it is not secure enough to evacuate US citizens.

The British government successfully airlifted diplomats and their families out of the country in a "complex and rapid" operation. Foreign Minister James Cleverly stated that evacuation options for the remaining British nationals in Sudan were "extremely constrained."

On Sunday, several additional nations conducted evacuation operations. Sunday, a plane transporting French citizens and others landed in Djibouti, as confirmed by the French president, Emmanuel Macron. A few Dutch citizens departed Khartoum on a French plane, and the Netherlands hoped to airlift more citizens out of the country on Sunday evening.

The German army reported that the first of three aircraft carrying 101 passengers had departed Sudan for Jordan. Italy and Spain have evacuated citizens. The Spanish mission included Argentine, Colombian, Irish, Portuguese, Polish, Mexican, Venezuelan, and Sudanese nationals.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada said his government evacuated diplomatic personnel.

On Saturday, other nations effectively evacuated citizens. More than 150 individuals were evacuated by sea to the Saudi Arabian port of Jeddah, the majority of whom were citizens of Gulf states, Egypt, Pakistan, and Canada. Students from Africa, Asia, and the Middle East who are also stranded in the six million-plus-person city of Khartoum have made desperate pleas for assistance.

In the meantime, there are reports that internet connectivity has nearly vanished in Sudan, which could severely impede the coordination of aid for those stranded in Khartoum and other cities. The power struggle has resulted in extensive bombardment of the capital city, resulting in the deaths of hundreds and injuries to thousands more.

The near-constant shooting and bombing in Khartoum and elsewhere has deprived the majority of the population of electricity and secure access to food and water. Several ceasefires that had ostensibly been agreed upon by both parties were disregarded, including a three-day pause to observe the Eid al-Fitr holiday, which began on Friday.

The United States announced on Sunday that a disaster response team would be dispatched to the region in order to "coordinate the humanitarian response for those in need both within and outside of Sudan."

Samantha Power of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) stated that the team would initially be based in Kenya and would prioritize providing life-saving humanitarian assistance to those who need it most.

According to the World Health Organisation, the violence has resulted in over 400 deaths and thousands of injuries. As a result of the fighting, the majority of the city's hospitals have been compelled to close, making it difficult for residents to receive medical care.