The FBI investigates threats against anti-Trump Colorado judges

Colorado police are investigating allegations that judges who ruled that Donald Trump cannot be included on the state's presidential primary ballot were threatened.

Denver Police stated that they were conducting additional surveillance around the residences of city justices. The Denver office of the FBI stated that it was providing assistance to local law enforcement.

The Supreme Court of Colorado ruled last week that Mr. Trump is ineligible for the presidency under a provision of the United States Constitution that disqualifies candidates who support insurrection.

Mr. Trump and his campaign criticised the 4-3 decision, describing it as "deeply defective." Mr. Trump has pledged to file an appeal with the United States Supreme Court.

Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, which was adopted in the aftermath of the American Civil War to prevent the resurgence of Confederate secessionists in the reunified nation, was invoked in the ruling.

A federal official who "engaged in insurrection or rebellion" is deemed ineligible for office, according to the provision. The Colorado court majority determined that the conduct of Mr. Trump throughout the Capitol disturbance on January 6, 2021, met the criteria for an insurrection.

A multitude of threats against the judges were posted online following the announcement of the ruling, according to Advance Democracy, a nonpartisan research organisation that monitors pro-Trump networks.

The group stated that some of the posts contained personal information, including the telephone numbers and addresses of the judges. Amidst appeals for nonviolent demonstrations and political engagement, explicit endorsements of force were also present.

Denver Police stated in a statement that it would "thoroughly investigate any allegations of harassment or threats" but declined to provide additional information due to privacy concerns and ongoing investigations.

President of Advance Democracy Daniel J. Jones issued the following warning: "There have been reports of substantial use of violent language and threats directed at the Colorado Supreme Court justices and others believed to be responsible for the state's Supreme Court decision."

Additionally, he asserted that the normalisation of such aggressive rhetoric is an extremely concerning development, and that law enforcement should respond with the implementation of suitable protective measures. In addition to admonitions and threats of violence and "civil war," there were unsubstantiated claims that the extreme rhetoric was a "false flag" or "trap" intended to incite law-abiding Trump supporters to engage in violent behaviour.

A user commented, "I am aware that everything is a snare," but added that they would "cheer" even if the justices were the targets of targeted violence. The legal action in Colorado was initiated by a coalition of anti-Trump Republican and independent voters and a liberal watchdog organisation.

Mr. Trump has until January 4 to file an appeal of the Colorado decision, which legal experts predict will be severely challenged by the conservative-leaning United States Supreme Court.

The Republican opponents of Mr. Trump have formed a coalition in support of him regarding this matter, while Democrats are apprehensive that the court's decision will bolster the former president's claim that the judicial system is unjustly singling him out.

Throughout the holiday weekend, Trump himself published dozens of articles on Truth Social in which he criticised the Colorado decision and the numerous other legal cases brought against him.